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Slavery – breaking not rattlling the chains – Update March 24, 2007

Posted by rupertward in Politics, Poor, Willberforce.

Amazing change website have amazingly changed! David McNeish, our guest blogger, had forwarded his article (that I have posted in the last two posts – part 1 and part 2) to them a couple of weeks ago, and yesterday he got an email from them saying they have ammended thier actions points to incorporate some of Dave’s suggestions. Here is what David said in this email to me:

As you might already know, a couple of months ago I got a bit miffed by the website that accompanies the film Amazing Grace – the story of Wilberforce and the abolition of slavery. The ten suggestions for action were, I felt, a bit limp. Thousands of folk will see the film and visit this website. What a missed opportunity! At the time I was preparing a sermon on consumerism and discovering for myself that slavery was, if anything, worse now than in Wilberforce’s day.

So I wrote a little pamphlet. Not something I’ve done before, but I thought – I’m no expert in this, but I know we could be doing so much more. So rather than moan I thought I’d do something about it. And having written it Iain Archibald encouraged me in my tentative suggestion to send it to the production company behind the film.

So I did. Within an hour I had a response saying they were grateful for the feedback. Good public relations I thought, but I wasn’t holding my breath for anything to change.

Today I found out that they have in fact changed the “10 things you can do” as a direct result of my feedback.

Specifically it now includes:

  • encouraging sacrificial, sustained financial giving to help end slavery
  • getting educated as a consumer, buying responsibly and communicating with corporations that you expect them to clean up their supply chain
  • pray with perseverance until slavery is ended
  • persevere – stay in this fight for the long haul

You can see the new list here.

I never imagined that one of my many rants at how things could be better would turn into tangible change! Slavery has not been abolished, but I am convinced that the changes help in a small way, to encourage people everywhere to do something more effective over the long term to eradicate this evil. One little person with limited understanding and a desire to be part of the solution…

Slavery – breaking not rattlling the chains – Part 2 March 24, 2007

Posted by rupertward in Politics, Poor, Willberforce.
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Following on from Part 1, which I posted yesterday, here are some suggestions that guest blogger, David McNeish, makes about how we can make for real, sustained change to the ongoing slavery that many find themselves due to poverty:

The following are some suggestions for change that are curiously absent from the website.
Pray – this was the silent powerhouse that fuelled abolition 200 years ago. Can we really say we don’t need it now?
Give sacrificially– not just a few pounds in response to an emotional film, but sustained ongoing giving. It is only the starting point though- charity is not enough. We need justice.

Reduce consumption – we need to stop demanding cheap goods, and start demanding total abolition of slavery in all its guises. See here for more information.

Campaign – there are so many things needing done – here are just three practical examples, with links for further information on each of them:

  • Sustain pressure on the UK Govt to implement the Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings, which they recently signed. Whilst the signature is a success, it is meaningless with out action to prevent people trafficking. See Anti-Slavery Website.
  • Buy fair trade chocolate – the relationship between consumption and slavery is very complex, but with chocolate it is clearer. Only fair trade chocolate guarantees that slaves were not involved in your treats. You can also write to the major chocolate companies asking them to tackle the problem. See here or Not for Sale Website.
  • Call on Government to support a currency transaction tax – this would curb damaging international speculation on currencies as well as generate revenue to fund international development to tackle the root causes of poverty and slavery. See here. To find out your MP and contact them see They Work for You website.

Commit to the long haul – Wilberforce was not popular, he was told tackling the problem would cause economic ruin. That argument hasn’t changed! But justice can and will prevail. God did not specify geography or give time limits when he said:
“The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners”
Isaiah 61 v1

Please note there is an update on the changes made to the Amazing Change website. See here for more details.

Slavery – breaking not rattlling the chains. March 23, 2007

Posted by rupertward in Politics, Poor, Willberforce.

Update: The Amazing Grace website has changed! See update for details.

Today the film Amazing Grace is released in the UK (we are thinking of going as my Mum is staying so we have a ready made babysitter!). This Sunday is Amazing Grace Sunday, where churches all around the UK remember the work of William Wilberforce. In light of this, a first for my blog, I have a guest blogger, David McNeish who writes:

Amazing Grace is a new film telling the powerful and compelling story of Wilberforce’s determined campaign to abolish slavery. On the 200th anniversary of abolition there is much to reflect on and learn from in that story.

It is therefore a great shame that the accompanying website and ‘campaign’, Amazing Change, whilst providing compelling case studies, says so little of any substance to help address the issue today.

Its ten points for action lack efficacy. Watching a film, discussing it with friends, starting a blog – these are easy things but are only of any worth if they lead to action that secures lasting change. Otherwise we end up discussing how to tithe herbs and neglect justice.

In terms of securing change the website offers signing a petition, to be presented to unspecified governments at undetermined times. It also suggests writing to your congressman – of limited value to the thousands of people outside the US who will watch the film. Or you can attend a youth rally and shout ‘freedom’. This is far more likely to result in losing your voice than in gaining justice for the millions in slavery.

Of greater concern is the misguided endorsement of partners helping to tackle slavery. This includes links to some English local authorities and the Royal Navy. Whatever work the Royal Navy may be doing in tackling slavery (atoning for past sins?), it is not clear from the weblink. Instead their site seeks to recruit young people in to the Armed Forces – a curious priority for an antislavery campaign.

It may be worth asking WWWT – What Would Wilberforce Think?

A further source of disappointment is the failure to connect our own actions in Western society with both slavery and slavery like conditions.

Poverty is the new slaveryJim Wallis

Poverty is the breeding ground of many evils, including slavery. The actions and inactions of Western nations in both causing and failing to alleviate extreme poverty were brought to prominence by the Make Poverty History campaign. Much remains to be done.

And on an individual level, we may not be a Cabinet Minister or a CEO of a multinational company, but our lifestyles compound the problem. Our demand for cheap products, for luxury and comfort necessitates others being enslaved to produce them – whether directly, as in the slavery which props up cocoa production in Côte d’Ivoire, or indirectly in the slavery like conditions resulting from, for example, the poverty caused by cash crops, deforestation or polluting factories. Here workers are effectively enslaved by low wages and terrible conditions to produce goods that no one needs, instead of building houses, schools and hospitals.

In the 19th century the people of Largo, a village near St Andrews, resolved to boycott sugar and rum. Why? They said they were “denying themselves the indulgence of delicacies that are prepared by cruel stripes”. They made the link between their actions and the slavery of others.

We need to change our lifestyle, ask others to do the same and ask those in power to use that power for the good of all of God’s children.

Part 2 tomorrow – Some suggestions for action.
[More on Guidance in Community next week]

David McNeish is part of Community Church Edinburgh, and works in the area of social policy. He has from childhood been passionate about justice and poverty, and when he preaches in church, these are topics that are never far from his lips!